Internationalen Rafting Federation |
In many European countries rafting sport is organized in associations and clubs whose teams take part in national championships. Internationally, rafting is organized by the International Rafting Association (IRF) which by now comprises over 40 countries. In addition to the national races, a European cup series has been launched which covers 6 to 7 races held all over Europe (2006: Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Slovenia, Austria and Norway). World and European Championships are held alternately each year. Especially in Eastern Europe rafting has reached unexpected popularity (3000 to 4000 spectators per contest at the World Championships in the Czech Republic).
Up to date about 45 nations are part of the International Rafting Association. The largest contingent with 26 nations comes from Europe. Rafting in central Europe is due to the Alps and its rivers heavily participated, as in the new EU-States and the Balkan countries. The following European Nations are member and part of the International Rafting Association:
Jede Nation kann für die Europameisterschaft je zwei Mannschaften für die Kategorie R4 und R6 nominieren. Bis jetzt haben sich 21 Nationen angemeldet. Insgesamt werden ca.75 Teams (500 Teilnehmer) um die Medaillen kämpfen.